Saturday, August 30, 2008


Since its inauguration into the World Wide Web I have found myself questioning what this thing called a “blog” is all about. Some sort of internet diary or bulletin board in the era of any-and-everyone-can-be-published, it seemed self-indulgent and brimming on narcissistic to relay the events of one’s life to the general public under the assumption that someone out there was just dying to hear that you just purchased your very own garlic press or finally made the switch over to reusable grocery bags.

But as my usually lovely and rarely fast-paced job affords me ample time for my own disposal, I more often than not find myself doing this very thing—browsing through "published" journals of political satire, celebrity gossip, country living, and recipe experimentation. I have no intention of dedicating my bloggage to one thing specifically, but hope to investigate a handful of activities including but not limited to cookery, art, urbanity, and the more interesting or ridiculous aspects of the human condition.


Anonymous said...

the fact that you're now blogging (bloging?) is sort of sad, but hey, it's about food and you bad mouthed Jeff Koons in your profile... what's not to love?

Anonymous said...

Plus, you take really good pictures of your food, which makes my mouth water!