Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Find yourself burning through plastic bags all the time? I certainly do. Many of us remember to bring canvas bags when we hit the grocery store or farmer's market, but for myself I find the plastic that accompanies an unplanned retail adventure can send me into an ebb of guilt, and add to the mound of non-recyclable, barely reusable plastic bags nesting under my sink. It's usually an unexpected detour to the pharmacy, or a stop at Target on the way home that contributes to this shameful pile.

Luckily there are gifted people out there devising easy short-cuts for making our lives a little more green. My sister received a pack of these Envriosax for a birthday gift this summer, and gave in when I nagged her for one. They come in numerous patterns, and are capable of packing a surpisingly large volume load. The best part is that they fold up into tiny rolls that fit in your purse, car door, or messenger bag with ease. Keep one on you at all times, and that nasty nest of plastic under your sink that you feel guilty about throwing away will begin to shrink (or at least keep from multiplying.)

Buy them individually at Whole Foods or in packs on the web:
The original ones are poly but they've just come out with lines of bamboo, linen and hemp.


Sares said...

I want Anthro to create some bougie envirosax (of course, they shall be called anthrosax) so that I can be the best accessorized earth-saving fashionista there is!

Erika said...

The only problem with that title is it sounds curiously like an apocalyptic-spun white powder used to fend off news anchors.

But agreed!!!!

Vanessa said...

You girls.....but FINALLY, a mention on the blog. I was beginning to think I was an only child.